Products are 100% returnable: you don't want it, you can return it to the distribution center within 14 days of the day you receive it for refund*.
*shipping costs can not be refunded.
(1) Email us at
or use the CONTACT link in the above right hand corner
and let us know the items are being returned.
(2) Return the items to:
Lawler Distribution
PO Box 5024 2nd Street
Greeley, Colorado
(3) Include a copy of your invoice so proper credit can be applied to your account. Shipping costs can not be reimbursed.
(4) You will be emailed when the items are received and credited.
We look forward to your continued patronage and greatly welcome input or suggestions.
Products are 100% exchangeable: if you want "the other one," you can return your original choice to the distribution center within 14 days of the day you receive it for exchange.
(1) Email us at
or use the CONTACT link in the above right hand corner
and let us know the items are being returned for exchange
so we can verify availability of the item you want.
(2) Return the items to:
Lawler Distribution
PO Box 5024 2nd Street
Greeley, Colorado
(3) Include a copy of your invoice so proper credit can be applied to your account, as necessary.
(4) Clearly indicate on your invoice or sheet of paper the items you want to exchange for.
(5) You will be emailed when the new items have been mailed to you. You will not have to pay Shipping Costs on the exchange items being mailed to you.
We look forward to your continued patronage and greatly welcome input or suggestions.